it takes a
Burr School is all about community. It is such a special place due, in large part, to our very active parent and neighborhood involvement. Friends of Burr is 100% volunteer run and we encourage participation by anyone with an interest in making Burr the best school it can be! Meetings are monthly and open to the public. Please join our mailing list or fill out our form on the “Volunteer” page and we will be in contact soon!

Our Mission
-Raise Funds to supplement Burr’s Annual Operating Budget in order to provide financial support for academic programs and the educational life of our students and their families.
-Create, broaden, and strengthen relationships between Burr School and neighborhood and school families, community groups, businesses, and non-profit organizations.
-Promote Burr to increase neighborhood enrollment.
Our Impact
Since our creation in 2008, Friends of Burr has been dedicated solely to fundraising for Burr Elementary School in the areas of technology, arts, and physical school improvements. In the 2018/19 school year alone, we donated over $75,000 worth of goods and services to the school including:
Technology Upgrades including additional laptops to support our 1-1 ratio initiative in grades 4-8 in our ever growing school
Interventional Teacher Support for our Personalized Learning Approach
New Curriculum for STEM classrooms
Major Auditorium & Field Upgrades
Japanese programming
Music Classes and Band
Teacher Support
Dance Programs for all grade levels
Taiko Drumming instruction and materials
As these items are not included in Burr’s regular operating budget, our group is a vitally important resource to the school. We hope you will consider sponsoring Friends of Burr so that we can continue to provide these important items directly to the school. Please email for more information such as sponsorship levels and the benefits your organization will receive in return for your sponsorship, which may include recognition on the Friends of Burr website and signage at our major fundraising events.
Thousand Dollars Raised annually
With the dedication of our volunteers and the generosity of our community, our fundraisers have been able to support arts programming, technology upgrades, & school beautification.
Years Serving Burr
Friends of Burr is a nonprofit organization formed in 2008 to support Jonathan Burr Elementary School. FOB is comprised of current and prospective parents, teachers and administrators and local community and business members.
children Impacted annually
We strive to make Burr School all inclusive and we strive to make sure our fundraising proceeds go to benefit the entire school.
Our Events
From Our Annual Gala to our ticketed events, Friends of Burr has something to offer everyone! Our events are open to all and we welcome you to join us!
Friends of Burr has 3 large fundraisers a year. Our largest is our Annual Gala, which takes place in May. We also kick off the school year with a block party for the entire surrounding community, and we hold a Walk-a-Thon in the fall.
Ticketed events
As part of our gala sales, we offer ticketed events. These are events that have tickets available for purchase and range from tastings to movie nights.
annual Gala
Our annual gala is held in May. We start planning in October and can use all the help we can get. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer for our biggest event of the year!
Our meetings are typically held on the 2nd Monday of the month via Google Meet, but we sometimes meet in person at Club Lucky. Please check our calendar for details on individual meetings.

Get Involved
Sign Up For our Mailing List
Sign up for our mailing list to get the latest up to date information.
Volunteer opportunities
We have volunteer opportunities that are suitable for everyone.
Make a Donation
We are an official 501(c)3 and your cash donations are tax deductible!